
FREE ALLISON DOC Software: Recording Snapshots on ALLISON Transmission

Recording Snapshots

Figure 1.1 - Snapshots (Record)

Snapshots are log files containing all Transmission data recorded by Allison DOC. Snapshots recording is started either by a DTC event (DTC driven), or triggered by the user (Trigger button drive). With the default setting, the tool will automatically trigger the recording of a Snapshots when any DTC becomes active. Snapshots log files have the following characteristics:
  • Contain all data the Allison DOC requests. Regardless of the screens selected/used during the recording session, the Snapshots captures all data the TCM reports to the Allison DOC.
  • Snapshots can be played back only with the Allison DOC.
  • Allison DOC automatically saves the snapshots files as .ad/.ad4 files.
  • Users can playback by double-clicking on the .ad4 files as long as Allison DOC is installed on the PC.
  • Snapshots files are saved at Local Disk (C)\Users\Public\Public Documents\Allison Transmission\Allison DOC for PC - Service Tool\Logs\  
The length of Snapshots files is limited by the amount of available RAM in the PC and the available storage space on the disk drive.

#To record an event driven Snapshot:
1). Select the Snapshot drop-down menu.
2). Select Record (refer to Figure 1.1 above).
3). Select Record Options - the Record Options window displays.
Figure 1.2 - Record Options
4). Select one of the following trigger conditions to start recording data:
  • When this Trouble Code appears, remember this session. You must enter a Trouble Code or select one from the drop-down list. If the Trouble Code entered occurs, the session is recorded.
  • When any Transmission Trouble Code appears, remember this session (Default option). The session is recorded if any Trouble Code occurs.
  • Remember this session. A Trigger Point gets inserted immediately after you click OK.
  • Do not remember this session. Allows starting a recording session when commanded by the user (i.e. via F5-TRIGGER RECORDING).
5). Click OK.

(1). Triggering a snapshots recording (and/or setting a bookmark)
Figure 1.2 - Trigger Recording
The F5-Trigger Recording button allows you to quickly start to record a Snapshot without having to specify any condition. After F5-Trigger Recording is clicked, the Bookmark function is enabled. From this point you can bookmark a position for future reference in the TCM data recording. Bookmark are assigned a sequential number in the order in which they were inserted into the playback file. in addition to their bookmark number, bookmarks are associated with a time relative to the length of the recording. 

#To insert a bookmark while recording data:
  • Press the F5 keyboard key, or
  • Click on the F5-Triggering Recording button (the F5-Triggering Recording button text changes to display the F5-Bookmark #1).
Figure 1.3 - F-5 Bookmark #1

(2). Stopping/Saving Snapshot Sessions
Once started recording a Snapshot, there are different ways to stop recording data, and saving it to the PC. 

#Saving a recording by selecting Stop Recording.
  • Click the F6-Stop Recording button or press the F6 key. The Save As dialog box appears.
  • Enter a name for the snapshot without the extension file. (In this case, the .ad4 extension file).
  • Click Save.
Figure 1.4 - Save As

#Saving a recording if Allison DOC is turned off/gets closed.
→If no data bus traffic is detected for 6 seconds, Allison DOC assumes the vehicle ignition has been turned off, recording is halted, and the "Ignition Off" window displays. Or
→If you close the Allison DOC during a recording session.
  • Click No to not save the recording/snapshot file.
  • Click Yes to save the recording/snapshot file. 

Figure 1.5 - Save the diagnostic session

Playing Back Snapshots

Figure 1.6 - Snapshot (Playback)
Snapshot playback provides data to any of the diagnostic views. Snapshot files are played back in real-time, data being displayed as it occurred during the recording session.

#To playback a snapshot:
1). Select the Snapshot drop-down menu
2). Select Playback
3). Select Open Playback File (refer to Figure 1.6 above), or
4). Click the Playback button
5). Navigate to the appropriate directory
6). Select the playback file (Log Files) to be played.
Figure 1.7 - Logs (Logs 3K4K 4thGen)
7). Click Open. The Trouble Code window and the Playback VCR control box displays.
Figure 1.8 - Trouble Code (Playback)
Figure 1.9 - Data Monitor (Playback)

VCR Control Box
The VCR control box moves to the lower-right corner of the screen when the playback file has completed loading and the VCR controls can be used.

Playback indicators and VCR control are:
  • Meter bar - the percentage of the playback file played.
  • Total File Time - the length of the playback file in minutes and seconds.
  • Current File Time - the elapsed time in minutes and seconds since the beginning of the file, based on the current location of the Meter bar. Using your mouse pointer, you may click and drag the Meter bar to any point within the file and play the file from that point. Other controls include:
→Rewind to beginning file.
→Play at four times normal speed.
→Loop (continuous play).
→Jump to trigger (displays data starting at the trigger condition selected when the data was recorded).
→Jump to Bookmark (displays the bookmark window).
→Email Playback as Attachment (displays the Compose E-mail window).

(3). Exporting Playback Data
Data contained within a playback file can be exported in a comma-delimited format to allow for inclusion of that data into an Excel or other spreadsheet. The playback data can be incorporated into a spreadsheet on the host PC or emailed. Only the Allison 4th Generation Controls Snapshots can be exported.

#To export playback file data:
1). Display the Snapshot menu.
2). Click on Export - the Open Playback file dialog box displays.
Figure 2.1 - Snapshot (Export)
3). Select a playback file to export - a custom data monitor dialog box displays.
Figure 2.2 - Export to Excel (3000/4000 Series)
4). Select the data to be exported.
5). Click the OK button - data is exported as follows:
Figure 2.3 - Successfully exported
→The export file name is the same as the playback file.
→The export file type (extension) is .csv.
→The first record of the file contains the names of the exported data with the units of measure (Metric or English) for each data item contained in parentheses immediately after the data item name, separated by commas.
→Subsequent records contain the timestamp followed by the current or last recorded value of the parameters chosen for export.
→If a maximum 65,530 records are exported, the export file is closed and a new export file is started with a sequential number, starting with 1, added to the file name.
Figure 2.4 - Allison 4700OFS.ad4.csv

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